Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) Round 20 & Round 19
What is PSQM?
Primary Science Quality Mark focuses on developing effective, confident science leadership for whole school impact on science teaching and learning.
- Enables science subject leaders to develop and articulate a clear intent and aspirational vision for science. The process of achieving a PSQM raises the profile and quality of science across the whole school.
- Supports subject leaders to effectively implement a curriculum for science that is informed by research evidence and best practice data. Working with an expert hub leader subject leaders evaluate current provision for science and put in place a development cycle that leads to sustained progress in science across the school.
- Ensures strong and positive impact: Children make good progress, building and consolidating their knowledge and skills, developing positive attitudes about science and its value to their lives and globally. Teachers and children enjoy their science lessons.
What do subject leaders say about PSQM?
PSQM has helped me to learn more about myself as a subject leader. It has provided me with a structure and a path to explore teaching, learning and leadership in a different way while providing me with support and encouragement along the way. Although gathering evidence and meeting deadlines was challenging while teaching full time at the same time, I would say it was definitely worthwhile and I definitely feel more confident as well as incredibly proud of my role as a science subject leader.
Round 18 local subject leader
How is PSQM engagement integral to the SATC mission?
Whilst SATC offer many and varied opportunities for teacher CPD what really matters is the difference that is being made to classrooms across the city. All schools engage strategically in their own self review and monitoring. To achieve PSQM a submission requires a range of school level evidence, such as pupil voice, teacher voice, parent voice, and pupil work samples. The Science across the City team reviews the school based evidence already contained within PSQM to identify the impact of its work on closing the gaps for children. This integrated plan making two uses out of one set of data means that schools do not have additional paperwork to meet the demands of funders.
Dates for the diary (All sessions will be virtual but live)
Round 19:
Submission: Final Deadline February 19th 2021 Local hub-leaders- Becki Price, Andie Hughes & Tina Whittaker
Round 20:
Eight short CPD sessions spread over 4 dates.
Session 1 to introduce the PSQM concept 8th October 2020 9:15-10:45
Submission: Due June 30th 2021
*Subsidy for Stoke-on-Trent schools by the OA
Any questions- Contact (07969 601913)