SATC are excited to announce a new offer universal to all schools in Stoke-on-Trent as part of its campaign to support teachers to make the best use of time for learning. Classrooms and learning needs to be motivating, rooted in deep understanding of concepts and big scientific ideas and not require teachers to re-invent the wheel.

An Integrated Learning Package of

  • Resource for the classroom
  • Pupil enrichment connected to the cirruculum
  • Subject knowledge CPD to assist planning of the National Curriculum unit of Evolution

Resource- Available Four Fully funded copies of The Molliebird, Jules Pottle, per school

The Molliebird is a fictional and emotive tale about a bird species adapting to their forest home, after a fire. This picture book exemplifies how natural selection leads to changes in a species. The book is written in high level language appropriate for ages 7-11, so children can encounter the complicated science of evolution in the familiar format of a picture book. There are natural gaps in the narrative which are filled by the pictures. This naturally leads to discussion – if you ask the right questions then you can hear whether the children have either of the two common misconceptions: that evolution happens quickly or that you can choose to evolve. There is a free online handbook (printed and included with this competition submission) to help parents/teachers work though these questions, and thus aid children’s learning. It has been thoroughly tested in the classroom and proved to be effective

Enrichment- Virtual live session ‘Meet the Author”

Book a session for your class to join Jules Pottle in a webinar session, to ask questions and hear from an inspirational role model.
3rd December 1:15pm
28th January 1:15pm
25th March 1:15pm
27th May 1:15pm

Subject knowledge CPD workshop led by Jules to assist teachers to utilise the resource to the full effect and improve understanding of the difficult to teach topic of evolution. Aimed at year 6 teachers that are non- science specialists.

November 18th 2020 and 9th Dec Two short virtual sessions (approx an hour each), initial introduction and explanation and a follow up meeting of questions, reflections and further thoughts on practice.

This offer is likely to be popular and the SATC team would be grateful of early sign up so that events can be co-ordinated efficiently.

To express interest: