Teacher assessment in primary science (TAPS)- New support offer post COVID-19
Effective formative assessment that supports and enables responsive teaching will allow more quality learning time to be spent focussing on what really matters in relation to pupil scientific progression. Catching up on curriculum gaps required focussed assessment and an understanding of age appropriate scientific behaviours. SATC is continuing to support, promote and provide access to TAPS professional learning through OA fully funded offer to this EEF relevant programme.
TAPS- External Expertise to the City
Dr Sarah Earle has agreed to continue her tutoring and mentoring directly with our city schools.
TAPS- What can I do and when can I do it?
CPD models for TAPS participants have been hugely adapted to increase the flexibility and access to the ideas, the information and the resources. Dates and opportunities to take part, learn about, select themes to understand and new approaches to try have been hugely increased as a result of virtual forums allowing Stoke teachers to select from a wider choice of dates and to access on-line live and on live video blended learning. This increased flexibility allows more teachers to access at times that suit both the school and the individual circumstances. A blended and bespoke offer that means that several colleagues can attend sessions without disrupting capacity in school.
Invitation from Sarah Earle to join the TAPS online professional learning programme
The Teacher Assessment in Primary Science (TAPS) project aims to build a shared understanding of progression in science to support our Covid-response, utilising a wide range of formative strategies to help identify pupil starting points and address gaps in both concepts and skills.
TAPS has developed a new programme of online professional learning that provides full support for teachers new to TAPS, as well as ongoing support for those who have previously attended training. The programme will comprise of a mix of new training videos, Covid-adapted resources, activities to try in class and a choice of half-termly live sessions.
Dates for the diary – You select
The first live session (dates below) will include discussion with teachers from across the country about how to make the most of science in the current context.
– 1st 1hr live session 1.30 or 4pm on 5th, 6th, 7th or -8th October (Repeats- you select)
– 2nd 1hr live session 1.30 or 4pm on 9th, 10th, 11th -12th November (Repeats you select)
Sign up to join the programme and access to the new training materials here
TAPS How do I make sure the strategies make the biggest difference?
To meet with the DfE standards for CPD and the collaborative nature of effective teacher learning a Stoke-on-Trent TAPS community of practice will be established to provide the opportunity for those who would like to deepen and further implement the TAPS ethos across their school. This will be a series of additional online meetings with Dr Sarah Earle and TAPs champions as facilitators and mentor. Peers and schools across the city will meet regularly (on line) to discuss approaches, barriers and share solutions (first session on 21st October). You can indicate your school’s interest in joining this group at the end of the sign up form. Or alternatively for those only wanting to join the community as they are confident in TAPS through previous CPD can use the Stoke Eventbrite link https://tapscommunityofpractice.eventbrite.co.uk
Any questions, please call or e mail.
Tina Whittaker and Karen Peters
07969 601913
Possible Need | Offer (fully funded- all schools) | Detail | Next steps | |
ENGAGE | Non-science specialists concerned to address pupil misconceptions but unsure of the specific knowledge needed | TDTS: Thinking Doing Talking Science, Stoke-on-Trent, Cohort 2
Oxford Brookes University Helen Wilson & Bridget Holligan |
Given the high rating of this CPD those schools that attended cohort 1 might want to nominate further teachers to join cohort 2.
All NQTs will be encouraged to attend this CPD alongside the coach. (see above) New teachers joining a school that previously attended TDTS would benefit from joining this cohort |
Register to attend
20th January 2021 |
Building better whole school progression in scientific enquiry. TAPS- Primary focus | TAPS: Teacher Assessment in Primary Science, Stoke-on-Trent, Cohort 3
Bath Spa University Sarah Earle
Cohort 1of TAPS featured highly in the impact report.
All science leaders would benefit from this forum particularly as the focus is on the ‘so what’ of the assessment and responsive teaching particularly in enquiry across the school |
Register to join the e CPD
https://tapscohort3.eventbrite.co.uk 21st October 2020 |
Building better progression for all. BEST- Secondary focus | BEST:
Cohort 1 EEF research resource features strongly in Improving secondary science document NMSLP |
BEST is often mentioned but not necessarily understood in the essential role that quality AfL makes to using teaching time to its full.
A Stoke group would be reflective in using the resources and understanding the quality of the EEF research behind the resource. |
Further booking information available through NMSLP & Stephen Burrowes
sburrowes@potteries.ac.uk |
EMBED | ||||
NQTs starting in September have less school based experience due to COVID-19 | SATC will provide a city-wide science mentor for NQTs.
SATC will establish a community of practice for NQTs to share and develop confidence in science practice. SATC will provide a basic essential toolkit of core reference material for each school with a registered NQT. Supporting consistent key messages. |
A focus on reflective practice to make pedagogical and resource decisions in science that are justified and rooted in best practice | Register each NQT to the Eventbrite link asap
Welcome Meeting – A virtual coffee to talk all questions science 16th September 3:15-4pm |
Year 7 starting KS3 have gaps in curriculum that need a CALM response through thorough planning | SATC will provide a city-wide science coach for Transition teaching and learning.
SATC will support the implementation of the CALM tools.
Supported teacher and departmental team co-planning, recognising the pedagogical and curriculum bridges between KS2-3, building on expectations and accessing quality resources without re-inventing the wheel. | Simply E mail tina@ducal.co.uk to express interest in linking with this additional support for teachers of year 7. | |
Overcoming the barriers of ‘Science Capital’- Family experiences, role models, visits, visitors | SATC will provide guidance and signposting on how to utilise free offers from the wider STEM landscape to | Many schools have emerging career guidance frameworks that rely on visitors, visits and family engagement. These can continue but will need to be remodelled in light of virtual practice
Register to the CPD
29th September 2020
‘Digging Deeper into the STEM landscape’ Session 1 |
Nurturing teachers developing leadership beyond their own subject or beyond their own schools | SATC will support an action research project to consider the implementation and impact of best practice EEF tools in a science specific context.
A co-create between English specialists and science specialists.
An opportunity to join a collaborative partnership with a focus on improving the skills of oracy, reading and writing within the Science curriculum using Literacy strategies identified by the Education Endowment Fund.
Teachers will take practical steps to implement the strategies explored using a range of high-quality science texts to enable our students to truly picture scientific meaning. Facilitated by Debbie Campbell through regular discussion, exploration, and research to assess approaches and their impact upon our students |
Expression of interest to
Either Sarah Preston or Tina Whittaker
Fully funded CPD fees (10 school bursaries for purchase of pupil books). 1st October 2020 (am) Session 1
Giving children a voice. | SATC will facilitate a cross schools cluster science and teacher council meeting | A virtual boardroom of up to six schools to discuss and reflect upon science teaching and learning. This was a pilot last year and was a creative solution to meeting whilst in lockdown. The subject leaders involved were surprised at the child voice perceptions and as such the potential for impact was powerful | Register your school place on the Children & Teacher Science Council
– SL and up to six pupils per school
14th June 2021 |
*SATC continues to actively support the following communities established in phase 1:
- The Science Influencers,
- The Transition Steering Group,
- And Termly Subject leader networks.
*SATC will further enable buddy science mentors whereby a school can show that they would benefit significantly from the additional capacity.
*SATC will advocate for pupil direct activity through key partners established in phase 1:
The Great Science Share. University of Manchester, and SPOTY award, Keele University.
*SATC will provide the £600 bursary for schools starting PSQM in Round 19 and Round 20. (Round 20 PSQM session 1 will take place on the 8th October 9:15-10:45 – Virtual conference tools.