As you start to feel the sunshine in the late summer term take a few minutes to catch up and make the right decisions for your school. Quick checklist:
- Are you the Subject Leader in September? If not have you registered the new person to Science Across the City. We can only keep in touch with those on our list. The weekly email communicates ideas and links schools to great stuff.
- Have you talked to your SMT about your school needs for science? Not sure what your needs are? Contact Tina Whittaker for advise or support about pupil voice or Deep Dive for science
- Have you considered joining a science learning community around a key issue in science led in Stoke by National key speakers? Primary Assessment (TAPS, includes enquiry) and Thinking Doing Talking Science (TDTS, includes progression of key ideas). Sign up through the request an offer tab. We will get back to you this term.
- Did you hear about the Digging Deeper Series great day last week? Do you want to be better connected to STEM resources? 9th December 2019 (Royal Society of Chemistry and Ogden Trust showcase) Sign up through request an offer tab.
- Are you talking to your secondary school science transition leads? Make sure they know that they are very welcome to attend alongside your school in one of the learning communities. Pedagogical share opportunities through focussed tasks. Forward this e mail to connect.
- Twitter: Follow us on @scienceATC
The science across the city team are thinking ahead too. It really helps us to get organised when school requests come in early. Thank You